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Roger Lee, Justin Da...
Covid 19-Related Regulatory and Behavioral Shifts Drive Big Growth at…
Despite all the upheavals of 2020, shares of many technology companies—particularly online-marketplace businesses—have continued to…
Must Reads
Roger Lee
Marketplace Startups: Here’s A Magic Number For Efficient Growth
In March 2019, consumer-marketplace businesses were on a tear. But some high-profile stumbles, including Uber…
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Neeraj Agrawal
Highest-Rated Cloud Companies, Covid-19 Edition: Tips for Nailing Corporate Culture…
Each year, we work with jobs-and-recruiting site Glassdoor* to unearth the most innovative cloud-computing companies—both…
Must Reads
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Virtual Employee Onboarding: How to Do It Right
Most companies aren’t great at employee onboarding in the best of circumstances. But getting onboarding…
Must Reads
Rebecca Buckman
How to Get the Most Branding Bang Out of Your…
There’s definitely a lot of talk about SPACs these days. But the tried-and-true IPO is…
Must Reads
Roger Lee
The Key to Consumer-Marketplace Success in 2020: Efficiency and the…
Early last year, it was easy to see why so many investors plunked money into…
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Dharmesh Thakker
Aligning Sales Compensation With Bottoms-Up Sales Motions in a Covid-19…
As the Covid-19 pandemic started to take hold in the U.S. in March, we found…
Must Reads
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Returning to Work Post-Lockdown: 3 Things You May Have Overlooked
How do we return to the office as safely as possible? Do we really need…
Must Reads
Dharmesh Thakker, Da...
Embracing “Pricing-Market Fit” as a Cloud-Native Company — in a…
In early March, just as the COVID-19 pandemic was taking hold, we wrote about how…
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Chelsea Stoner
What I See in Steve Case’s Revolution—Actually, a Long History…
This past fall, former AOL CEO Steve Case announced a second, $150 million investment fund…
Must Reads
Rebecca Buckman
B2B Startups, Here Are Five Reasons You’d Be Crazy to…
When tech companies--especially less-sexy ones selling to businesses, not consumers--first get started, there’s usually little…
Must Reads
Dharmesh Thakker
State of the OpenCloud 2019
We’re at a major inflection point in enterprise IT—and the future, we believe, is open,…