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Author : Danel Dayan
Infrastructure Software
Danel Dayan, Dharmes...
Building Better Cloud-Native Application With Workflows: Our Investment in Orkes,…
In a 2016 blog post, Netflix famously detailed its seven-year migration journey to the cloud.…
Infrastructure Software
Danel Dayan, René B...
From Code to Cloud: Security Themes for 2022 and Beyond
Last year was a brisk one for many B2B tech companies, with valuations soaring, and…
Infrastructure Software
Dharmesh Thakker, Da...
Seeing is Believing – Our Investment in Arize, and Why…
For several years, much has been made of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) or…
Infrastructure Software
Dharmesh Thakker, Da...
Special Delivery: How APIs are Changing Software Development, and Our…
Chances are you interact with several APIs throughout your day-to-day life--particularly if you’ve ever signed into a website using Facebook…
Infrastructure Software
Dharmesh Thakker, Re...
Authentication and Authorization, Post-Auth0: Styra* and Extending Identity to All…
The recent, $6.5 billion acquisition of identity and authentication startup Auth0 by Okta put a…
Infrastructure Software
Dharmesh Thakker, Li...
Stop Coding in the Dark – and Bring Data-Driven Insights…
Over the last decade, almost every function in the enterprise has seen an uplift in…
Infrastructure Software
Danel Dayan, Dharmes...
Github Likes and Downloads Are Great, But Do They Make…
Selling software today is about maximizing the distribution potential of a product. MongoDB pioneered this…
Must Reads
Dharmesh Thakker, Da...
Embracing “Pricing-Market Fit” as a Cloud-Native Company — in a…
Battery Ventures' Dharmesh & Danel evaluate the most-common pricing models used by enterprise-focused companies to determine “pricing-market fit”.
Dharmesh Thakker, Da...
Security 2020: Why We See Big Opportunity for Founders Building…
Danel Dayan & Dharmesh Thakker from Battery Ventures discuss the impact of the cloud on how developers and startups think…
Dharmesh Thakker, Da...
Looking to Shake Those WeWork-Induced IPO Doldrums? Look Up—Into the…
If you’re a late-stage tech company under pressure from your investors to go public sometime…